
[14] On the geometry of uniform meandric systems (with Ewain Gwynne and Minjae Park). Communications in Mathematical Physics (2023),

A meandric system of size is the set of loops formed from two arc diagrams (non-crossing perfect matchings) on , one drawn above the real line and the other below the real line. A uniform random meandric system can be viewed as a random planar map decorated by a Hamiltonian path (corresponding to the real …

[14] On the geometry of uniform meandric systems (with Ewain Gwynne and Minjae Park). Communications in Mathematical Physics (2023), More »

[13] Large deviation principle for random permutations (with Sayan Das, Sumit Mukherjee, Peter Winkler). International Mathematics Research Notices (2023), rnad096.

We derive a large deviation principle for random permutations induced by probability measures of the unit square, called permutons. These permutations are called μ-random permutations. We also introduce and study a new general class of models of random permutations, called Gibbs permutation models, which combines and generalizes μ-random permutations and the celebrated Mallows model for …

[13] Large deviation principle for random permutations (with Sayan Das, Sumit Mukherjee, Peter Winkler). International Mathematics Research Notices (2023), rnad096.Read More »

[12] Baxter permuton and Liouville quantum gravity (with Nina Holden, Xin Sun, and Pu Yu). Probability Theory and Related Fields 186 (2023), pp. 1225–1273.

The Baxter permuton is a random probability measure on the unit square which describes the scaling limit of uniform Baxter permutations. We find an explict formula for the expectation of the Baxter permuton, i.e. the density of its intensity measure. This answers a question of Dokos and Pak (2014). We also prove that all pattern …

[12] Baxter permuton and Liouville quantum gravity (with Nina Holden, Xin Sun, and Pu Yu). Probability Theory and Related Fields 186 (2023), pp. 1225–1273.Read More »

[11] The skew Brownian permuton: a new universality class for random constrained permutations. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 126 (2023), no. 6, pp. 1842–1883.

We construct a new family of random permutons, called skew Brownian permuton, which describes the limits of various models of random constrained permutations. This family is parametrized by two real parameters. For a specific choice of the parameters, the skew Brownian permuton coincides with the Baxter permuton, i.e. the permuton limit of Baxter permutations. We …

[11] The skew Brownian permuton: a new universality class for random constrained permutations. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 126 (2023), no. 6, pp. 1842–1883.Read More »

[10] The permuton limit of strong-Baxter and semi-Baxter permutations is the skew Brownian permuton. Electronic Journal of Probability 27 (2022), pp. 1–53.

We recently introduced a new universal family of permutons, depending on two parameters, called skew Brownian permuton. For some specific choices of the parameters, the skew Brownian permuton coincides with some previously studied permutons: the biased Brownian separable permuton and the Baxter permuton. The latter two permutons are degenerate cases of the skew Brownian permuton. In …

[10] The permuton limit of strong-Baxter and semi-Baxter permutations is the skew Brownian permuton. Electronic Journal of Probability 27 (2022), pp. 1–53.Read More »

[9] The feasible regions for consecutive patterns of pattern-avoiding permutations (with Raul Penaguiao). Discrete Mathematics 346 (2023), no. 2, pp. 113–219.

We study the feasible region for consecutive patterns of pattern-avoiding permutations. More precisely, given a family of permutations avoiding a fixed set of patterns, we study the limit of proportions of consecutive patterns on large permutations of . These limits form a region, which we call the pattern-avoiding feasible region for . We show that, …

[9] The feasible regions for consecutive patterns of pattern-avoiding permutations (with Raul Penaguiao). Discrete Mathematics 346 (2023), no. 2, pp. 113–219.Read More »

[8] Quenched law of large numbers and quenched central limit theorem for multi-player leagues with ergodic strengths (with Benedetta Cavalli). Annals of Applied Probability 32 (2022), no. 6, pp. 4398-4425.

Notation: Given , we set and . We also set . The model We consider a league of teams denoted by whose initial random strengths are denoted by . In the league every team plays matches, one against each of the remaining teams . Note that there are in total matches in the league. These …

[8] Quenched law of large numbers and quenched central limit theorem for multi-player leagues with ergodic strengths (with Benedetta Cavalli). Annals of Applied Probability 32 (2022), no. 6, pp. 4398-4425.Read More »

[7] Scaling and local limits of Baxter permutations and bipolar orientations through coalescent-walk processes (with Mickaël Maazoun). Annals of Probability (2022), no. 50, pp. 1359–1417.

Baxter permutations, plane bipolar orientations, and a specific family of walks in the non-negative quadrant, called tandem walks, are well-known to be related to each other through several bijections. We introduce a further new family of discrete objects, called coalescent-walk processes and we relate it to the three families mentioned above. We prove joint Benjamini–Schramm …

[7] Scaling and local limits of Baxter permutations and bipolar orientations through coalescent-walk processes (with Mickaël Maazoun). Annals of Probability (2022), no. 50, pp. 1359–1417.Read More »

[6] Asymptotic normality of consecutive patterns in permutations encoded by generating trees with one-dimensional labels. Random Structures and Algorithms (2021), no. 59, pp. 339–375.

We begin with the definition of generating tree.  Since we are interested in the study of permutations, we restrict the definition to these specific objects. We need the following preliminary construction. Definition. Given a permutation and an integer we denote by the permutation obtained from by appending a new final value equal to and shifting …

[6] Asymptotic normality of consecutive patterns in permutations encoded by generating trees with one-dimensional labels. Random Structures and Algorithms (2021), no. 59, pp. 339–375.Read More »

[5] Almost square permutations are typically square (with Enrica Duchi and Erik Slivken). Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré – Probab. Statist. 57 (2021), no. 4, pp. 1834-1856.

A record in a permutation is a maximum or a minimum, from the left or from the right. The entries of a permutation can be partitioned into two types: the ones that are records are called external points, the others are called internal points. Permutations without internal points have been studied under the name of …

[5] Almost square permutations are typically square (with Enrica Duchi and Erik Slivken). Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré – Probab. Statist. 57 (2021), no. 4, pp. 1834-1856.Read More »