Scaling and local limits of random Young tableaux

The images on this page are taken from this work on the scaling and local limits of random Young tableaux.

The heart example

Figures for the heart example. Top-left: The Young diagram \(\lambda^0\) considered in the heart example. Top-right: The frozen boundary curve of the corresponding liquid region. Bottom (from left to right): a uniform random tableau of shape \(\lambda_N\) with \(N=130000\) boxes displayed as a discrete surface in a 3D space (brown is used for small values of the surface and blue for large ones); the corresponding bead processes \(M_{\lambda_N}\); the corresponding height function \(H_{\lambda_N}\).

The pipe example

Figures for the pipe example. Top-left: The Young diagram \(\widetilde \lambda^0\) considered in the pipe example. Top-right: The frozen boundary curve of the corresponding liquid region. Bottom (from left to right): a uniform random tableau of shape \(\lambda_N\) with \(N=59400\) boxes displayed as a discrete surface in a 3D space (brown is used for small values of the surface and blue for large ones); the corresponding bead process \(M_{\lambda_N}\); the corresponding height function \(H_{\lambda_N}\). The red circle in the picture in the left-hand side highlights the discontinuous location of the limiting surface.

See also here the nice 3D pictures made by Istvan Prause.