
Lattice Yang-Mills theory in the large N limit via random surfaces

Lattice Yang-Mills theories are important models in particle physics. They are defined on the d-dimensional lattice  using a group of matrices of dimension , and Wilson loop expectations are the fundamental observables of these theories. Recently, Cao, Park, and Sheffield showed that Wilson loop expectations can be expressed as sums over certain embedded bipartite maps of any genus. Building on this novel approach, …

Lattice Yang-Mills theory in the large N limit via random surfacesRead More »

Long increasing subsequences in Brownian-type permutations

What is the behavior of the longest increasing subsequence of a uniformly random permutation? Its length is of order  plus Tracy–Widom fluctuations of order . Its scaling limit is the directed geodesic of the directed landscape.  This talk discusses how this behavior changes dramatically when one looks at universal Brownian-type permutations, i.e., permutations sampled from the Brownian separable permutons. We show that there are explicit constants such that …

Long increasing subsequences in Brownian-type permutationsRead More »

Meanders and Meandric Systems

In 1912 Henri Poincaré asked the following simple question: “In how many different ways a simple loop in the plane, called a meander, can cross a line a specified number of times?” Despite many efforts, this question remains very open after more than a century. In this talk, I will present the conjectural scaling limit …

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Permutations in Random Geometry

Random geometry and random permutations have been extremely active fields of research for several years. The former is characterized by the study of large planar maps and their continuum limits, i.e. the Brownian map, Liouville quantum gravity surfaces and Schramm–Loewner evolutions. The latter is characterized by the study of large uniform permutations and (more recently) …

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The skew Brownian permuton: a new universal limit for random constrained permutations and its connections with Liouville quantum gravity

Consider a large random permutation satisfying some constraints or biased according to some statistics. What does it look like? In this seminar we make sense of this question introducing the notion of permuton. Permuton convergence has been established for several models of random permutations in various works: we give an overview of some of these …

The skew Brownian permuton: a new universal limit for random constrained permutations and its connections with Liouville quantum gravityRead More »

The skew Brownian permuton

Consider a large random permutation satisfying some constraints or biased according to some statistics. What does it look like? In this seminar we make sense of this question introducing the notion of permutons. Permuton convergence has been established for several models of random permutations in various works: we give an overview of some of these results, …

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The limiting shape of random permutations: an introduction to permuton convergence.

In this series of two lectures we overview some recent progress in the study of the liming shape of large random (non uniform) permutations.  We start by properly introducing the notion of permuton convergence and by exploring its connection with the convergence of proportion of pattern densities, this being a striking feature of the permuton topology.  In …

The limiting shape of random permutations: an introduction to permuton convergence.Read More »